Our Model and Partners

SWITCH has evolved over time and has been refined in collaboration with an array of partners. We encourage schools to adopt a 'continuous quality improvement' process and we also followed the same recommendation. We worked to continue to adapt and refine SWITCH over time and this flexibility enabled us to provide valuable (virtual) support to schools through the COVID pandemic and to continue innovating and refining after that. Key roles played by partners are summarized below.

Iowa 4-H Extension

The SWITCH process was refined in direct collaboration with leaders from the Iowa State University (ISU) Extension and Outreach's 4-H Youth Development program. Through a series of pilot studies, we collectively established an evidence-based training and implementation process that can be broadly disseminated across the state. The 4-H team has helped to enable SWITCH to be available to all Iowa schools. Partnerships with county-based Extension staff provide more localized support to help schools with facets of SWITCH programming. Click here to find out more about Iowa's 4-H Youth Development program.

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach 4-H logo

Iowa 4-H Foundation

The Iowa 4-H Foundation provides financial resources for youth development through 4-H. They provide the financial resources to develop and deliver quality 4-H youth programs throughout the state of Iowa, including SWITCH. 

Iowa 4-H Foundation logo

Iowa Heart Center Foundation

The Iowa Heart Center Foundation has helped to expand the scope and reach of SWITCH through funding and expertise in heart health education. Specific heart health modules and resources have been developed in direct collaboration with leaders from the Iowa Heart Center Foundation. For more information about the Iowa Heart Foundation and their initiatives, click here.

Iowa's 5210 Initiative

SWITCH programming is consistent with other school-based initiatives such as 5210, which has been promoted through the Iowa Healthiest State Initiative. In fact, the same goals of 5210 are directly parallel to the same goals outlined in SWITCH.  Iowa Healthiest State is also now working with the Make It OK campaign to help reduce the stigma of mental illness.  SWITCH offers the Make It OK training to school staff who are a part of SWITCH.

  • 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables
  • 2 hours or less non-educational screen time
  • 1 hour or more of physical activity
  • 0 sugar sweetened beverages

The consistent messaging allows schools to use SWITCH to also support the 5210 movement, the Make It OK campaign and the Healthiest State Initiative. See the associated link for more information about the 5210 effort in Iowa. Iowa Healthiest State Initiative Website

Iowa Healthiest State Initiative logo        Make It OK logo 

Active Schools Initiative

We are also proud to partner with Active Schools, a national non-profit organization dedicated to improving physical activity in all children! For more information, visit their website.

Active schools logo